Soul Speak: The Journal
A collection of insightful articles encompassing a wide range of wellness and therapy topics such as self-care, mindfulness, stress management, relationship dynamics, and personal growth.

Understanding Trauma
Embracing big “T” and small “t” trauma as part of one's journey fosters radical acceptance and self-compassion. Rather than viewing trauma as a wound to be fixed, this approach encourages transformation and resilience through understanding and integrating one's experiences. It's a paradigm shift that empowers individuals to reclaim agency over their narratives and find strength in their healing journey.

Resources for PACT couples therapy
A list of resources for couples involved in the PACT approach to couples therapy. The list includes books, articles and a TEDx talk by Stan Tatkin as well as books books by John Gottman, and Emily Nagoski.

The “Heroic” Psilocybin Journey
Psychedelic journeys are complex and can draw up unforeseen experiences. The decision to embark on a heroic journey should be made in collaboration with a healthcare provider and experienced guide. Given the rapidly evolving landscape of psychedelic research and therapy, it is best to expand your understanding about the legal landscape when participating with psychoactive medicines in your area.

Benefits of Psilocybin Assisted Therapy
What are “magic” mushrooms and why are they so helpful to the brain and healing? Psilocybin, the psychedelic property found in some mushrooms helps with the brains neuroplacisity. There is growing research to support that it reduces activity in the brains “default mode network” which is where much of is therapeutic potential resides. When this area is balanced it leads to more adaptive and flexible thinking, creativity, and the possible establishment of new patterns. Having a guided, therapeutic experience can support a deeply transformative and more positive psilocybin journey.

Working with Shadow and Parts of Self
Learning to access our core authentic self often requires understanding the unconscious parts of our self that keep us from it. Internal family system therapy seeks to bring us into connection with unconscious shadows from our past so as to live a more fulfilled, meaningful life. Often called “part work” IFS therapy helps us understand the mechanisms of our own internal system of parts and their purpose. In giving these parts of self a voice we can liberate past experiences of difficulty, trauma and shame and draw into our life new inspiration, creativity, courage, care and connection.

Automating your Partner? Now what?
In the fight for whose memory is most correct, both are wrong. Why is that? What is the power of the automatic brain and implicit memory in partnership and conflict. How can partners become more aware of the tricks of memory to bring security to their relationship?

The Courage to Connect
For humans, our need for connection and belonging is arguably our most adaptive and desired drive. Many in the psychological field position connection as the essential factor in driving human growth and continued development. Yet the drive to connect does not always feel safe or come naturally. To risk this in the tender space of connection takes relational courage. And while courage partly means to defy fear regardless of the cost, from a relational standpoint it means to act meaningfully and with integrity in the face of acknowledged vulnerability with another. And while relational courage may not always come easy or be a place we can always reside in, embracing our innate capacity for it may bring us towards the depth of love and intimacy we were designed to experience.

Beginners Mind: Tips for Meditation
Wether you are beginning your practice, coming back to it after a break, or seeking to deepen your existing practice, taking the seat of a student may be the fresh perspective and reminder you have been looking for.

The Window of Tolerance
Coping with everyday stressors can be challenging especially when we experience anxiety and overwhelm. The window of tolerance refers to the range of emotional and physiological states in which one can function effectively and cope with life's challenges without becoming overwhelmed or shutting down.

What is secure functioning in relationship?
Unlike a secure attachment style, secure functioning is not restricted by personality, early attachment organization, or individual deficits, such as past trauma. Instead it is rooted in the principals of shared power, cooperation, mutual respect, and having each others back.

Phases of Psychedelic Therapy
Psychedelic experiences often bring greater insight to how an individual has been showing up in their life that often inspires change and growth. The typical journey occurs in three phases, preparation, administration, and integration. Integrative psychedelic therapy supports this journey for each individual in a way that helps them feel connected through the process. While each psychedelic medicine has its own unique experience, a common effect is how each can soften emotions and emotional reactivity. In this way, the therapist is able to access and help patients process difficult experiences they have felt stuck in.

How Do You Choose a Therapist?
Many therapists offer a free consultation before you decide to work with them. This consultation allows both the therapist and the potential client to establish a rapport and determine if they are a good fit for each other. It provides an opportunity for the therapist to understand the client's needs, goals and concerns, and for the client to assess the therapist's approach and expertise.
Finding the right therapist is crucial for a positive therapeutic experience. But what should you ask a therapist to decide if they are right for you?

Psychedelic Science
This week, June 19th-24th, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is hosting the psychedelic science conference in Denver. The use of psychedelics for medical and mental health treatment has been growing in the past decade. The research highlighted and next week's conference will note the potential benefits of psychedelic-assisted therapy for healing and psychological well-being.

What happens at your first session?
It’s normal to be nervous for your first therapy session. Your first visit is basically an information gathering session. Together, we’ll create a roadmap for your therapeutic journey.

Empathy Beyond the Brain
There is a skill to being in empathic exchange with an other. A skill that resides in the awareness for not only how I am being impacted by you but also how I am impacting you. Such empathic awareness increases our human desire for authentic connection as well as our ability to achieve it. It also shows us that there is more to this process than mirror neuron responses or perspectival shift of “putting yourself in another’s shoes.” In this way the felt experience of empathy extends beyond the self’s experience to the mutual exchange between I and thou.